Thursday, June 25, 2009

Obama going back on his word on health care?

As Sen. Barack Obama bashed Hillary for being a proponent of mandated health care for all Americans.

"She'd have the government force you to buy health insurance," he said Feb. 23, 2008. "I disagree with that approach. I believe that the reason Americans don't have health care isn't because no one's forced them to buy it, it's because no one's made it affordable."

However, in Obama's words, his thinking has "evolved" on the issue. How conveinient, since he isn't trying to get elected anymore.

"People have made some pretty compelling arguments to me that if we want to have a system that drives down costs for everybody, then we've got to have healthier people not opt out of the system," the president told ABC News.

Stop going back on your word. The only "compelling" argument is the fact that there is no way to pay for this! And that the only reason your thinking "evolved" into taking away people's right to decide if they want coverage or not, is becaus if you don't fine people, you can't pay for the program!

Obama also stressed that there will be some sort of waiver for those who just can't afford it.

"Those who can't afford it" has been defined in the Kennedy bill as families up to 300-400% above the poverty line. That's families making up to $60,000-$75,000. Do you think those families "can't afford it?" Of course they can! It's just another way to get more people enrolled on the plan. Stop going back on your word when it is politically conveinient to do so, or better yet, say what you mean the first time so that people know where you stand.

Some more notable quotes from the ABC special

Sawyer asked Ron Williams, the CEO of Aetna Insurance, "Is the president right that you need to be kept honest?"
"It's difficult to compete against a player who's also the person refereeing the game," Williams said. He proposed working to "solve the problem as opposed to introduce a new competitor who has rule-making ability."

"We will have some up-front costs," the president acknowledged. "And the estimates ... have been anywhere from a trillion to $2 trillion. But what I have said is whatever it is we do, we pay for."

"About a third of the costs will come from new revenue," the president said, pushing his proposal to raise taxes on those making more than $200,000 a year through a change in the itemized deduction in the tax code.

The president cited the Mayo Clinic as an example of a medical center where experts had figured out the most effective treatments and eliminated waste and unnecessary procedures.
Sawyer said that e-mails ABC News had received argued that "the Mayo Clinic is exactly the point," indicating that private companies are solving this problem, and raising the question as to why the government needs to get involved

"And, unfortunately, government, whether you like it or not, is going to already be involved," Obama said, citing Medicare and Medicaid.

Devinsky asked the president pointedly if he would be willing to promise that he wouldn't seek such extraordinary help for his wife or daughters if they became sick and the public plan he's proposing limited the tests or treatment they can get.
The president refused to make such a pledge, though he allowed that if "it's my family member, if it's my wife, if it's my children, if it's my grandmother, I always want them to get the very best care

Oh yea, incase you don't know this, the president and congress are specifically exempt from any public plan, according to the Kennedy bill.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Regulation Without Representation

The left is for bigger government. They want more regulations. We all say these things and use these two arguments when talking conservative vs liberal politics. However, "big government" and "more regulation" are vague ideas. Congress and the President cite statistics from bipartisan committees for every issue imaginable. President Obama even uses statistics that aren't kept, such as jobs saved or created by the stimulus. One statistic you won't here them put positive spin on is the cost of complying with their regulations. There are several reasons for this, most obvious is that there is no way you can positively spin the massive cost of compliance and still get re-elected. Second, to make sure no one has to be held accountable for this, they don't keep records of cost of compliance. So in honor of the Cap and Trade bill that's about to be voted on Friday, here are a few numbers to put a "price" behind "more regulation. Note to ABC, considering there is a vote on the Cap and Trade issue in 2 days, don't you think it would be best to hold your lets-get-the-whole-story-so-important-robust debate-all sides of argument-from inside the white house-no opposition present-all day marathon coverage on Cap and Trade, not Health Care. Or maybe, just maybe, is the health care thing being used to distract the public from the biggest tax increase in history?? (through regulation of big business of course, but it's for "the common good.") Transparency? What happened to doing away with slipping things through in the middle of the night.

From the Competitive Enterprise Institute annual report

Last year Congress passed and the President signed into law a total of 285 bills. Yet federal regulatory agencies issued 3,830 "final" rules. The total regulatory compliance costs of all these regulations hit $1.172 trillion in 2008. That's almost as much as Uncle Sam raised in individual income taxcollections and three times the $345 billion in corporate income
"61 federal departments, agencies, and commissions have 4,004 regulations in play at various stages of implementation … 180 are 'economically significant' rules, packing at least $100 million in economic impact." (rules not in play yet, but coming)
"it largely amounts to agency self-policing; agencies that perform 'audits' of their own rules would rarely admit that a rule's benefits do not justify the costs involved." (when you do here numbers from the government about complying with their regulations, it's from the government agency employing the regulations)

So, transparency anyone? Why does the government not issue a report on this? We elect them, they force regulation after regulation on the public sector, and they don't compile a report on how their regulations affect the people who elected them. They report on stimulus statistics that aren't even kept, that are just made up, and the public media eat it up. These people need to be held accountable. If they want to pass a regulation, they need to be forced to tell the public what it is going to cost. And when a cost analysis comes out that doesn't fit their mold, I don't want that agency attacked and belittled..Chris Dodd. This is just the beginning, with health care and cap and trade in the works, it's not looking good. I don't believe you, President Obama, when you tell me passing the most regulative 2 programs in the history of the United States won't increase my taxes or cost me money, because the facts show a different story.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Video - Chris Dodd's Arrogant Opinion of the CBO

Sen. Boxer's comments showed their elitist opinion they have of themselves, but Sen. Dodd's interview is worse. Just watch and see how he reacts to the numbers put out by the CBO for the Kennedy Health Care bill.

It's as if he doesn't like some beaurocrats telling him what to do, how much to spend, how to spend it etc..sound familiar GM, AIG...except the CBO doesn't tell anyone what to do, they just offer a bipartisan cost analysis. I bet GM, AIG and the American public wished Dodd and the other congressional "beaurocrats" only offered an "analysis' instead of a bailout.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Health Care Lie - Keeping Your Coverage

As Senator, and now President, Barack Obama has proclaimed adamantly that

"you'll be able to get the same kind of coverage that members of Congress
give themselves," and "if you like your current policy, you can keep it."

Just remember that as I go over a few facts about Congress, their health care and how those statements are not only misleading, but a flat out lie. I can appreciate his eloquent ability to parse words, but when you lie to the face of the American people, it's unacceptable.

From the Affordable Health Choices Act, drafted by Sen. Dodd & Kennedy
- Specifically exempt are members of Congress and federal employees (section 3116)

Exempt. Say it again. Members of Congress are exempt. They do not have to follow the same rules we do. If this type of health care is the best system for the country, then why would members of Congress and the federal government not be required to participate? They will be allowed to keep their wide selection and best coverage, while everyone else will be required to enroll in a "qualified" plan. If Congress' plans fell into the "qualified" category, then they would not need a specific exemption to the health care bill.

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management says members of Congress "enjoy the widest selection of health plans in the country," and "can choose from among consumer-driven and high deductible plans that offer catastrophic risk protection with higher deductibles, health saving/reimbursable accounts and lower premiums, or fee-for-service (FFS) plans, and their preferred provider organizations (PPO), or health maintenance organizations (HMO)."

- If you don't enroll in a "qualified" health plan and submit proof to the federal government, you will be fined. (sections 3101 & 6055)

"Qualified" means that it meets all of the criteria placed into the legislation, and whatever additional criteria are added by the Secretary of Health and Human services once the bill becomes law.

- If you are already enrolled in a plan that is payed entirely by you or your employer, you will still be fined if it is not a "qualified" plan. (section 161)

So "technically" they are not lying to you when they say you can keep your coverage. I love semantics. So does the government, especially when it comes to cheating on your taxes. We cheat, we go to jail, government officials cheat, it was an "honest mistake." Just ask Wesley Snipes.

- The cost of the fine will be enough to "accomplish the goal of enhancing participation in qualifying coverage. (section 161)

How big will the fine be? One aide working on the bill says it will have "penalties eventually reaching 75% of the cost of the least expensive plan." So who decides who pays a fine and who gets free coverage, paid for by those paying the fine? What if your 25, just out of school and don't want/need a plan and would rather use the money to pay off school loans? Oh that's right, paying off debt is bad old-world policy of the past, just ask SC Gov. Mark Sanford.

- The bill suggests that only plans with managed-care controls such as "medical-home" will meet the definition of a "qualified" plan. (sections 3101 & 2707)

In December 2008, a Congressional Budget Office report on drafts of major federal health care bills noted "medical-homes" were very likely to be like the HMOs of 20 years ago, especially if cost control is a priority.

- In the Kennedy bill, "medical-home" providers will have a "payment structure" based on "incentives" rather than payments for each doctor visit or procedure. (section 3101)

This report focused on a specific type or requirement called a "withhold." HMOs would hold back 10% or more of the fees it paid a physician, and only pay back the money at the end of the year to physicians who met specific goals for limiting how many referrals to specialists or diagnostic tests their patients used.

The goals were so strict, that if a physician exceeded them, the cost of what he prescribed to you would come from his own pocket at the end of the year. This creates a conflict of intrest between you and your doctor. I don't want my doctor worried about paying penalties or facing fines when it comes to making decisions about my health! People complain about Police Officers "having to make their quota". This is the same thing, except that it deals with your health and well being.

President Obama recently said "if doctors have incentives to provide the best care, instead of more care, we can help Americans avoid unnecessary hospital stays, treatments and tests that drive up costs."

That sounds great, but what's the incentives he's talking about? Not having to pay fines and penalties for providing "more care" than the government allows? I want my doctor worried about me, not his wallet. Often times, the "best care" is "more care," and I don't want my doctor being told by the government how much of either to provide.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Only President Obama can fire someone for doing their job

Politicians are supposed to be working for us. We elect them, they do what is in our best interest. Not that it works that way or anything. So however long ago, the position of Inspector General was created. These people make sure that government money is being spent the way it was ment to be by the companies that received it. Great right, people making sure those politicians are doing what they are suppose to. Not exactly, considering they are appointed by the same people who can fire them. Huh? Ok, well there must be some rules or something right, because if they have that much control over these people then why even have them to begin with? It's not like the government has ever created the illusion of watching its spending or being transparent..rigggght. Well crawl out from under that rock for a minute, and go take a peak at that bill Obama co-sponsored last year that requires "the president to give Congress 30 days' notice, plus the cause for the firing of an inspector general." Now that's some change! See, he is making it difficult to fire these people, so they can really get in their and cut out that waste and expose these corrupt politicians! That's some "political courage." He's got a pair of stones that would make Terminator proud.

Oh sorry for that last paragraph and wasting 3 minutes of your day, I just returned from hope and change fantasy fun-house. A lawyer responding to the firing of AmeriCorps IG called the move an act of "political courage" by the white house. The only thing courageous about that move wasthe hay-maker to the jaw of the Constitution from Obama. Yea, the guy was called out of the blue and given 1 hour to resign or be fired. He had a real pair and told them where they could put it. He was fired. Congress was notified after the fact, without any explination. This same lawyer mentioned that "he was not working well with the board of the Corporation for National and Community Service, which oversees AmeriCorps, and the administration believed that IGs should work well with the leadership of their agencies." What? He is investigating the company for illegal activities and fraud, on the behalf of the american people and their tax dollars. Is the IRS nice to you when you put $80,000 under your matress, or forget to report that $10,000 bonus? I don't care how "well" he worked with the board, that's not his job. His job is to investigate them, not befriend them. Oh yea, he was looking into illegal activities that had ties to the President.

"In this case, the board and top management were unhappy with Walpin's aggressive investigation of the misuse of federal AmeriCorps funds by Sacramento, California mayor -- and prominent Obama supporter -- Kevin Johnson. The board was also unhappy with Walpin's probe into the waste of AmeriCorps money at the City University of New York."

Remember, the board, the people the IG is investigating as that is the purpose of the IG position, are the one's who got him fired. Yea, that makes a whole lot of sense..

Here is a list of questions asked to the President's special counsel

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Video - Single Payer Health Care the Real Goal?

No no, of course not. That's what President Obama and the Democrats keep saying. As Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said "time to reaffirm our commitment to access to quality, affordable health care for every American, including the 47 million who live in fear of even a minor illness..." And as she has proven lately, Pelosi has proven to be an ambassador of the truth, never once misleading or lying to anyone. Unless that someone is the CIA. So in case you accidentally drank some of Obama's kool-aid, thinking it was your Gatorade, and think the Public Option is only for those 47 million, watch this video to see what their intentions really are.

Who are the 47 million uninsured?

There are two numbers I here on TV everyday. At any given time you can find some politician or "journalist" throwing one of these two numbers around, using them like some sort of trump card that immediatly ends the debate. Question the "numbers" behind the numbers, and you are certain to be labled a hate-monger with no compassion. So what are these pocket aces, these two magic numbers that guarantee you a win over your opponent? 47 million, and 95 %. 47 million being the number of people uninsured, and 95% being the number of people who received a tax rebate. Yes, I said rebate, because receiving a check is not the same thing as having your tax rate lowered. So in light of the current health care debate, I'm taking a closer look at the "numbers" behind the 47 million uninsured Americans.

- 9.5 million are not United States citizens

- 17 million, 37%, live in households with incomes exceeding $50,000 a year and could, presumably, afford their own coverage.

- 18 million, 40%, are between the ages of 18-34, most of which are in good health and not necessarily needing coverage, or chose not to purchase it.

- 50% of the nonelderly population who became uninsured in any giver year regained their insurance within 4 months.

- 70% of the nonelderly population who became uninsured in any giver year regained their insurance within 12 months.

- $116 billion the 47 million received in health care in 2008.

- 37% of the $116 billion paid by the uninsured.

- 26% of the $116 billion paid by the government and charities.

- 37% of the $116 billion absorbed by the hospitals and doctors, or shifted to higher private insurance premiums.

- 250 million, the number of Americans with insurance that will be negatively affected
by politicians pushing a progressive agenda by misleading the public.

So the next time you hear the number 47 million Americans, remember, it's followed by numbers like 9.5, 17, 18, 50, 70, 116, 37, 26, and 37.

"Liberty and Tyrany" by Mark Levin