Thursday, June 18, 2009

Only President Obama can fire someone for doing their job

Politicians are supposed to be working for us. We elect them, they do what is in our best interest. Not that it works that way or anything. So however long ago, the position of Inspector General was created. These people make sure that government money is being spent the way it was ment to be by the companies that received it. Great right, people making sure those politicians are doing what they are suppose to. Not exactly, considering they are appointed by the same people who can fire them. Huh? Ok, well there must be some rules or something right, because if they have that much control over these people then why even have them to begin with? It's not like the government has ever created the illusion of watching its spending or being transparent..rigggght. Well crawl out from under that rock for a minute, and go take a peak at that bill Obama co-sponsored last year that requires "the president to give Congress 30 days' notice, plus the cause for the firing of an inspector general." Now that's some change! See, he is making it difficult to fire these people, so they can really get in their and cut out that waste and expose these corrupt politicians! That's some "political courage." He's got a pair of stones that would make Terminator proud.

Oh sorry for that last paragraph and wasting 3 minutes of your day, I just returned from hope and change fantasy fun-house. A lawyer responding to the firing of AmeriCorps IG called the move an act of "political courage" by the white house. The only thing courageous about that move wasthe hay-maker to the jaw of the Constitution from Obama. Yea, the guy was called out of the blue and given 1 hour to resign or be fired. He had a real pair and told them where they could put it. He was fired. Congress was notified after the fact, without any explination. This same lawyer mentioned that "he was not working well with the board of the Corporation for National and Community Service, which oversees AmeriCorps, and the administration believed that IGs should work well with the leadership of their agencies." What? He is investigating the company for illegal activities and fraud, on the behalf of the american people and their tax dollars. Is the IRS nice to you when you put $80,000 under your matress, or forget to report that $10,000 bonus? I don't care how "well" he worked with the board, that's not his job. His job is to investigate them, not befriend them. Oh yea, he was looking into illegal activities that had ties to the President.

"In this case, the board and top management were unhappy with Walpin's aggressive investigation of the misuse of federal AmeriCorps funds by Sacramento, California mayor -- and prominent Obama supporter -- Kevin Johnson. The board was also unhappy with Walpin's probe into the waste of AmeriCorps money at the City University of New York."

Remember, the board, the people the IG is investigating as that is the purpose of the IG position, are the one's who got him fired. Yea, that makes a whole lot of sense..

Here is a list of questions asked to the President's special counsel